How much is invisalign uses clear, custom-made trays to gently straighten misaligned teeth. A consultation with an orthodontist determines the exact treatment plan needed to correct your smile. Your orthodontist then takes impressions of your teeth to create unique, customized aligners for your specific needs and goals. During your treatment, you will change to the next set of trays every few weeks until you achieve your dream smile.
The cost of Invisalign can vary on a case-by-case basis, depending on the severity of the alignment issue and the length of the treatment. Fortunately, many dental insurance plans offer coverage for orthodontic treatment, including Invisalign. Some plans cover a percentage of the total treatment costs while others will only pay up to a certain dollar amount.
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Other factors that impact the cost of Invisalign include the duration of the treatment, the number of office visits required and the need for preparatory work such as interproximal reduction. During this procedure, the orthodontist uses discs to remove bits of enamel from between the teeth in order to make room for more tooth movement. The number of aligner sets required also varies from one patient to the next and can have a big impact on your total costs.
Fortunately, you don’t have to pay for all of your Invisalign costs upfront. Most orthodontists offer monthly payment plans that allow you to spread out the cost of your Invisalign treatment over time. These payment plans are typically interest-free and can be adjusted based on your financial situation during the course of your treatment. Alternatively, you can use funds from your Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account to pay for your Invisalign. Many credit cards also offer special financing for healthcare expenses, often at 0% interest.